Saturday, March 26, 2011

When the Blog is Silent

When I am silent here it usually means I am learning so much that I cannot even begin to think about how to write it up for you coherently. I am an internal processor of information. I just deeply think on things (sometimes too deeply). Sometimes it takes time before I can properly share. So hang in there with me through this period. Please pray for me to have Godly wisdom in it and most importantly all will be used to glorify Him.

I am learning to be conformed more into His image.
I am learning how to be a good parent to a child with Aspergers.
I am treading this territory and find it way over my head honestly.
I am mourning in this period because some loss is occurring because of it.
I am learning to be thankful in all circumstances.

Tools God is using in this time:
His Word (of course this is the supreme source of encouragement.)
Dee Brestin, a wonderful mentor of mine
Kings Cross, Tim Keller
One Thousand Gifts, Ann Voscamp
Crave, Lysa Terkhurst
Transforming Prayer, Henderson
Special Needs Homeschooling support group
Lots of websites with great info on how to help us practically in this Asperger journey.
Learning from Ecclesiastes, Pastor David at our church

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Here is the Link to Purchase My Bible Study Abundant Grace

You can now purchase Abundant Grace: Lessons from the Family Line of Jesus in ebook form here.

Again all proceeds that come to Refresh My Soul Ministries will go toward our adoption process. Please help us by spreading the word! We appreciate you.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Exciting Stuff for Refresh My Soul Ministries

So very excited to have this! I had to share. My husband designed this great cover for our Bible study Abundant Grace. We are partnering with to sell these resources as ebooks. This title and others will be available very soon. I will be doing a live online study with it soon as well. So very excited and had to share.

This title is special to me because it is my first complete Bible study. All proceeds that come to Refresh My Soul for this study will be given back 100% to kingdom work. This will start with the adoption of our baby boy.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

She Speaks Conference Scholarship

Hey all. I want to take a moment to tell you about the best speaker, writer, woman's leadership conference I have ever attended. It is called She Speaks. First the women who lead this thing are completely blessed by HIM. They are humble and loving and supportive of whatever place God is leading you in. It is a safe place to attend to sharpen your skills in speaking, writing, or leadership. It is an amazing conference.

Now the conference does come at a price. It is $595 dollars. It really is worth every penny of this however for some of us this is a small fortune! There has been a scholarship fund set up to give some women a free ticket to this amazing conference. I am so thankful for the generosity of Cecil Murphy who is donating these.

Renee Swope is doing this giveaway over at her blog. She will choose a winner for the scholarship. Now to why I am posting this here. I want to nominate a special woman in leadership for this scholarship. Her name is Amy and she is the women's ministry leader over at the old church we attended. I used to hold this position and after me she graciously took on this huge job. She has done so well in leading women to a closer walk with the Lord. She with a great team behind her plan wonderful women's events, outreach to the community monthly, have a large amount of women's Bible studies going on weekly. She works hard and gives God all the glory. Just last night she asked me if I was attending and she told me very excitedly that there was a woman's ministry leadership tract. She was excited but knew it was a stretch for her because of the cost. Now would it not be very cool if this scholarship was the way she could get to go? We will see.

Give Renee Swope some love over at her blog here. She is an amazing, authentic woman who has continually been an encouragement to me. I have had the opportunity to meet her on several occasions and she is the real deal herself. You will be blessed by her blog.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Book Review: Becoming a Woman of Influence by Carol Kent

I received a copy of this book free of charge for the purpose of review.

I really love Navpress. They are my favorite publisher to review books for. The quality of the books I receive have thus far never disappointed me. So I am excited to say yet again I am pleased with this product.

Becoming a Woman of Influence was a great read. The author writes like she is sitting beside you over coffee. She shares her life experiences along with the examples of Christ. She is a woman who has great insight into the proper way to be a mentor. This is something I have been giving a lot of thought to lately so this book came at just the right timing for me.

Mentoring relationships can be a bit intimidating at times but the author makes it easy. Really as we go and how we live speaks so much more than formally approaching someone to ask if they will mentor us. Some people will just naturally come alongside you as the Lord leads.

I also appreciated how she sought out women who she saw potential in. She invited them to come alongside her in different things she did. This developed great mentoring relationships. I do hope to do that myself. God has called us all to be mentors to someone. I appreciate the layout of this book and how it helps us meet this need.

To purchase a copy of this book you can go to Amazon here.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Book Review - Little Star by Anthony DeStefano

I received a copy of this book free of charge from the publisher for the sake of review.

Little Star is an easy to read, well illustrated children's book. It is a sweet story about what may have happened to the Christmas star. It is a story of encouragement and strength for other little ones out there. Little people can do big things.

Overall I would recommend this book because it is a sweet easy read for children.

To purchase a copy of this book click on the image in this post.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

And the Winner is.....

I am excited to say that Sheryl has won the free copy of Paws and Tales!
Just email me your mailing address and I will get it right out to you.
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