I loved this book and was greatly encouraged by it. As an invisible illness sufferer myself, I have desired to see a book like this that could help my friends better understand the sufferer. This book fits that need and is important because it fills a gap that is missing in addressing this area of suffering.
Who should read this? All Christians would benefit from reading this because Christ calls us to care for the sufferer. We live in a fallen world where every one of us will suffer in some way at some point so this book is for everyone.
My favorite thing about this book and the way it is written is that it continually points the reader back to Christ and what He has done for us, and continues to do, while we wait for His final return. The author also writes in an easy to read, relate-able style which makes this book effortless for your already busy schedule, especially if you are a full-time caregiver.
The goal of this life and our time in history is Christ. This book is filled with Scripture that helps keep us focused on what is really important. You won't find 10 steps to do in order to best help those suffering but you will find wisdom that will help you be a good helper and friend. You will also receive insight into the mind and heart of one who continually suffers. It is a needed glimpse into the life of suffering. It is honest, real, and encouraging.
I am currently undergoing a season of suffering through physical pain. I found this book to be helpful for me to express these things to my friends who want to help but are often unsure of how to help. It is a book I desire to give or recommend to my friends so they better understand how to help. I am really excited about this book. You will not be disappointed if you chose to read it. It will grow you in Christ and hopefully in helping others in the process.
You can pre-order a copy of this book from Amazon.com here.
It releases August 31st.
I received a copy of this book at no charge from the publisher for the purpose of an honest review.
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