Sunday, October 11, 2015

Book Review: Writers to Read by Wilson


This was an excellent read. Not only did I learn things about some writers with whom I am already familiar but also learned about some new authors I am now excited to read. This book is a great addition to your bookshelf because it expands your knowledge by taking the time to explore the minds and examples of others who excel at their craft. 

Each chapter covered a different writer, included a short biography, and gave detail about the things they wrote. At the end of each chapter there was a section that stated, "if you cannot read anything else, then read these books by this author." I have made a wish list of these recommended books and cannot wait to get started.

If you are a writer, it is wise to read other writers. It works as a type of mentoring. You can only improve your craft by studying others. This book is a good place to start. I definitely recommend it.

You can get a copy of this book from Amazon here.

I received a copy of this book at no charge for the purpose of an honest review.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Book Review: Bathsheba by Hunt

I am more of a non-fiction reader than a fiction reader but part of that comes from a fear of imagination. This currently plagues my thoughts. We, who are redeemed, have what C.S. Lewis called a baptized imagination, and in imagination, good things can happen. Books like this help me break free from whatever fear holds me back. First, this is for what I am most thankful.

Second, honestly, after the first few chapters, I felt extremely uncomfortable like a rat trapped in a maze trying to find an impossible escape, yet I kept with this book until the last page and about a fourth of the way in, I was deeply hooked. This exposed things in my heart that I needed to deal with which in turn helped me worship God more fully.

The book itself is a wonderful historical fiction that exams the life of Bathsheba. It goes right along with Scriptural history and traces Bathsheba's life filling in probabilities of the imagination for a woman of that time period. The writing is beautiful and the story is told through the eyes of Bathsheba and the prophet Nathan, both real characters of the Bible itself.

After my personal hangups, which again have nothing to do with the author, I found myself drawn in and really enjoying this book. The author has also written on on the life of Esther and when time permits, I plan to read as well. Again, I am thankful for this book. I think it was well done. If you are looking for some quality fiction, this is a good choice. If you know the Bible you may know that this book would include real, hard issues so I recommend it for mature high schoolers and above.

You can get a copy of this book from Amazon here.

I received a free copy of this book from Bethany House for the purpose of an honest review.
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