If you are here because you saw my post, "The Gift of a Shattered Life" over at TGC today, I am glad you visited. I don't have much to offer over here today unless you just love book reviews, though occasionally I do post something meaningful here. If you want to read more about various journeys around the web similar to the article posted at TGC today you can look up two great sites I contribute to monthly:
Comfort in the Midst of Chaos A wonderful gospel-centered encouraging site for special needs families
The End in Mind where I blog about Home-school adventures and what I am learning staying focused on Christ in the process.
I have blogged off and on about my personal health journey here and if you really want to read those articles then type in the word trials in the label box on the top right of this home page and a bunch of those should come up.
Thanks for visiting! Hope the article encouraged you in your trials and may Christ be supremely glorified in them! If you need someone to pray for you, it would be my honor, just leave a comment.
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