I love Trades of Hope. It is an organization that empowers people out of poverty and shares the gospel of Jesus Christ with others! I absolutely love it! Because of this I have become a compassion entrepreneur. All that means is I help sell this product to help these people continue to receive an income in working conditions that meet fair trade standards.
You can help by hosting a party, purchasing products, or spreading the word. Today I will feature these precious Ugandan women. Here is a blurb from the website:
Trades of Hope is excited to be working with a group in Uganda that feeds, educates, and encourages orphaned and vulnerable children and families in Uganda. Founded in 2008 by then 19-year-old Katie Davis (Kisses from Katie), they spreads the truth of God's love and empower the Ugandan people through education sponsorship, community outreach, vocational projects, and discipleship programs. READ MORE HERE.
If you go to the page to check out more be sure to read the stories of two of these women featured there. It is a blessing to be a part of this. And in the meantime when products sell I get a little income as well to put back into our mission expenses. I love that! Please go and check it out. If you want to join in this adventure with me let me know. To Shop go HERE.
This particular group is near and dear to our hearts because we are reading through Kisses from Katie as our modern missionary book. It is exciting to be connected in such an amazing way that makes a true and lasting difference.
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