Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Blogger Spam and Other Random Things

So I haven't had much to write lately. God is really doing a great work in me and my heart. It is more of a quiet thing at this moment. Which is fine because this is certainly a stage that usually promotes more growth than a busier season yet I feel somewhat bad not writing anything. However, I would much rather not write anything that lacks substance than the things that have real meaning. We are all busy and the things that lack substance are not really much worth reading, though really anything good I ever have to say is all of God the other stuff is just me anyway.

So, to the spam part of this post. I thought this was an appropriate picture because it really looks disgusting. That in fact represents the type of spam I am getting for comments. I am only thankful that my comments are blocked unless I approve them for posting. It started shortly after I made the post entitled, Snake on a Pole and Jesus. Apparently that has triggered the spam bots. Yet, it appears on other titles as well randomly. I suppose the attack of the spam is on. So, as blogger allows I keep rejecting comments. Has anyone else experienced this problem and if so how have you handled it? I may need to go and change that title of the post that seemed to trigger it. Just curious, if you have any input I would love to hear it.

Thanks for taking the time to read this. I just love you all dearly and hope you have a joy filled Christmas in our Father. I will be posting some book reviews before then but if I do not find words to write anything new until then I wish you all well.


Anonymous said...

Glad to know you're still with us! I haven't run into the spam problem you're having. Perhaps you could contact Blogger for some ideas on how to combat it. :~D

God's girl said...

Hey I didn't mention this but the comments are often in Japanese!! Crazy.

I have thought that too e-mom. I guess it is just the effort of doing that contact. :)

Christina said...

Yes I have experienced this. Not to any great extent but other then deleting these comments I do not know what the answer is.

I too have been busy so blogging has been put on a bit of a hold. My dad came to visit so we were spending time with him.

I had to laugh at the picture since here in Hawaii Spam is a huge thing. In fact you can get spam, eggs and rice for breakfast at McDonald's and there is even a Spam festival.

God's girl said...

Girl, that is hilarious!!! Spam is not like that here at all. So interesting how different parts of the country and world are different with things like this. :)

Hope you are having a great visit with your dad!

Leah Adams said...


I have not had the spam problem, but like Elaine, over at Peace For the Journey, I've wondered if a hacker was deleting some of my comments. Not sure about it, though. Hope you get it figured out.

Love the book reviews. How fun is that. How did you hook up with that gig. I love to read..just not much time for it.


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