Let me just tell you something that I way too often take for granted. That is those special women in my life who spurn me on, who pray for me, who support me, and who sharpen me. They are the ones who except me for who I am even when I am irrational, unstable, and obnoxious. I always wanted a sister (even though I absolutely adore my brother!) but I never had one. Instead I got something better--girlfriends who are my sisters in Christ! These are pics of just a few of the fun things we get to do together. These were two women's ministry events that took place about a year ago. Our women's ministry team brought in Lisa Whelchel to speak. She is the most precious, kind, and down to earth woman. I just loved her. She was all I expected and more. She has a way of sharing the Lord that is lasting. My pastor even enjoyed it. He usually does not sit in on these things but he found he could not leave! It was a fun time indeed. The best part of it was that us girls got to pull this event off as a team. We are currently praying about what to do this year. God will show us in due time. Anyway, with the exception of a few special ladies in my life the rest are pictured above. I am so thankful for them. I just wanted to share an example of how God uses them.
First, I am an extremely shy person. I am the girl who just wants to blend into the background. I do love people but just struggle with carrying on conversation! So before the last Uprising speaking event I shared my insecurities and asked them all to pray for me. They all agreed. This would be the first event my husband would be present for and the first my sisters would not be. As the event started filling up, I started to notice that there were a majority of guys present. In fact it ended up to be about 30 guys and 6 girls. This made me completely insecure. God called me to speak at this event but the dynamics through me off. I froze and became a complete mess--at least in my mind. After it was all done many people said I did a great job. But in my mind I could not figure out what happened to me. Were people praying? I just could not understand what happened to me. When I arrived home my sweet husband and I discussed this event through tears (all mine). It was really sweet because he affirmed my call and showed the support at a new level. It was a blessing. See, for me it would be real easy to give this whole thing up. However, this girl who just wants to blend in was not made for that. God has other plans. Our plans are not always His plans. God uses these special sisters in my life to confirm that all the time. That next morning I got 6 phone calls and each one started this same way..."Hey, how'd it go last night? I was praying for you." Each greeting though the same followed by me tearing up and saying, "I did horrible......." Each time, each precious woman had a patient ear and prayerfully spoke wisdom into my life. I am so thankful for each one. Perhaps one day I will get some pics of those tearful times or perhaps those times are better left for the imagination! God knew we would desperately need this. Perhaps that is why His word states, "A friend loves at all times" (Proverbs 17:17a).