I received a copy of this book at no charge from the publisher for the purpose of an honest review.
I highly recommend this book to all believers. I do realize it is a book that specifically addresses the topic of eating disorders, however, this book is filled with so many good questions and helps that could benefit almost any struggle that someone has. I found it super helpful and it is a definite go-to reference for me for aiding people in healing. It directs others toward Christ and is completely practical and biblical.
This book also includes the transparent journey of a sufferer and helper through this struggle. That made it more personal and helpful to the reader. I appreciated the transparency and thoughtfulness and self-awareness of the authors. Overall that makes a book more realistic and fruitful.
Get this book. It is one that you want on your shelf if you are a helper of people.
You can get a copy of this book from Amazon.com here.