I was blessed to read Trillia Newbell's new Bible study, If God is for Us. It is a six-week study focused on Romans 8. However, as any good study would do, with all intentionality, we get to take a glimpse at the first 7 chapters of Romans to understand the proper context of how Romans 8 fits. Each section is skillfully written to include stories, questions to draw out the text, and reflection questions for personal application.
If you desire to understand God's word better and know God in a deeper and more meaningful way, this book is for you. It is such an aid to unearthing the beauty and promises of God's word. This study can be done alone or with a group. I truly enjoyed it, was challenged and grew from it.
You can get a copy of this title from Amazon.com here.
I received a copy of this title at no charge from the publisher for the purpose of an honest review.