This book was gold. I highly recommend it. It is about having dreams, expectations, and prayers that are too high for our situations. When I say prayers that are too high I am not saying God cannot work miracles and healings. He still does that today. However, often he also chooses to say no or not yet when we pray for things. This book takes you on a journey through that land of waiting.
Reading it you will be challenged. You will understand how to adjust your view of trials. You will see God more clearly as a good Father who does take care of us even in the desperately hard times.
Much of the journey in this book was about a father and his son with autism, however, it can be applicable to most any life that is dealing with disappointment.
You can get a copy of this book from Amazon here.
I received a copy of this book at no charge from the publisher for the purpose of an honest review.