This book is a must read for all Christians. I found it extremely challenging at times but those which are the most challenging are how we know the best books because they affect long lasting change. The lasting change that is necessary for the sake of the glory of the gospel and Christ-likeness.
I am not naturally skilled in the art of hospitality but this book encouraged me to practice it anyway. It is mostly about welcoming those in (which I am good at). It is not about what you have or how fancy your home is. Of course it does require sacrifice to share your space, time and food but God provides in how you chose to honor Him in these things.
I was also happy to see that in the end of this book there were some practical tips available to those just starting out. It also stressed how everyone's practice of hospitality will look different depending on your family dynamic and constraints.
This book challenges your thoughts of hospitality even farther making you question, who would I allow into my home? What efforts do I make to really know my neighbors? Do I pursue them and offer the light of the gospel? It is thought-provoking and one book I would put on my must read list. You will grow from it as the Holy Spirit works in your heart.
I received a free copy of this book for the purpose of an honest review from the publisher, Crossway.
You can get a copy from Amazon.com here.