This is a must read for all Christians. This is the go to book for our time. We live in a sexualized culture and many people have been a victim or perpetrators of sexual sin. We all need to hear the truth of God's love, judgement and grace in this mess.
This book is unique in it is written for the sin struggler and the hurt all at the same time. Both issues are addressed side by side. It is a beautiful thing to see both issues equally addressed. This makes this book a must read for everyone.
As a biblical counselor, I would like to pass this book out to as many people as I can. It is worth the time. I think if you read it you will feel the same way. It takes a look at biblical passages to help navigate this topic and years of wisdom gleaned from the author.
I received a copy of this book at no charge from the publisher for the purpose of an honest review.
You can get a copy from Amazon.com here.