This book is magnificent! I highly recommend it for all Christians.
First, it gives great background into the history of each country that it features. It also gives a personal, real life story from someone who has traveled there. Someone who has seen and heard and smelled the land. This is moving in and of itself. But after you are given this experience, it gives you key items to pray for the country or people and a prayer that you can read to aid you in praying for that country.
It also gives you a key Scripture to pray for each country or people it is focused on. I have been using this book as an aid to help me pray for a country or people group a day. The book divides these country or peoples up into 52 chapters so you could easily focus on one a week. It is divided for your ease and guidance.
Any way you embark on this prayer journey is good because you are helping others by praying. It is a unique way that God allows us to partner with Him in His greater work and this book just moves you, giving you the desire to pray. I think every Christian should have this book. It will only grow and challenge you while strengthening your prayer life for the nations.
I received a copy of this book at no charge from the publisher for the purpose of an honest review.
You can get a copy of this book from Amazon.com here.