There is a child sitting. Waiting. Desperately desiring a home. He needs a permanent family but for now his life is in limbo. Life's unfortunate circumstances have placed him in this spot and it breaks my heart. It breaks his mother's heart. It probably also breaks his foster mother's heart. Though I don't know her, fostering is hard.
This boy, he is my son's brother so we sit deeply grieved over the situation.
Mother's day is hard for situations like these. People have lost their mother's not just to death. There are orphans. Waiting for permanent mothers. For stable homes. For forever families.
Adoption is hard. It is a situation that starts in deep brokenness. Yet God restores through adoption. The pain may always be present because of the brokenness but adoption secures the child's permanency.
My mother's day is shared with my adoptive son's birth mother. I love her. She is brave and cares deeply for her children. She is a mother I am glad to share this day with. Yet together we grieve for this one child who waits for a permanent family.
This makes mother's day hard. But I am thankful that God is in control. His hand is at work. He will make all wrongs right. We trust and we wait.
Thankfully God is the perfect Parent, He sees all, He is all. He is at work. We plead, wait and watch.
I am thankful for a mother who loved me well. A mother who raised me the best way she knew how. A mother who sacrificed so much for me. I am thankful that I can still pick up the phone and call her anytime I want. Many on this day have lost their mothers to death. Death's sting is brought up during a holiday like this. I pray for their comfort on this holiday. I pray they know that they are completely loved by our Father the perfect parent who comforts. I pray He comforts them completely. I grieve with you as you rejoice with me.
Mother's day is hard. Filled with joy and sorrow. A reminder to some of their barrenness. A reminder to some of their dysfunction. I grieve with you and cry out to God for healing and peace. The perfect peace only He can give. Thank you Father for being the perfect Parent. Thank you for letting us off the hook of perfection. We could never be that but Jesus made us perfect in your sight. What glory!
This blog was written for Compassion. The writing prompt was Mother's day. You can see the other
Compassion bloggers posts here.
Also, you can help support there children with Compassion which helps their families greatly helping them not be orphaned in some cases. At the right side bar you can check them out. Pray about sponsoring a child today!
And Happy Mother's Day!Let us honor this day wherever we stand circumstantially as a day to celebrate life and sacrifice.