As long as I can remember I have been drawn toward people who were different than me. I love diversity. God has placed that love in my heart. I remember as a teen how I loved going to the airport because it was the gateway to all nations and peoples. I loved watching and studying different people, always intrigued by how they lived. I had a sense that there were bigger things than me. I feel most at home around those who are different -- A glimpse of Heaven.
When I was young, probably 10 or 11 years old, I heard the Scriptures read from Isaiah 6 that recounted Isaiah's call. I remember His response, "Here I am. Send me." My heart burned within me. I cried that same prayer out to God to please send me. I did not know what that meant then but I prayed it again and again.
God has been growing me and preparing me to go alongside my family. Growing and preparing all of us to go. In that wait period from that early time I have studied, learned, and prayed much about other people. God has been getting us ready. I have longed to go, ached really, for years. But the time is not yet.
Now today I sit and watch a family fulfill their next steps in their call to go. I envy it but rejoice in it. God has chosen already the exact times and places we should go (Acts 17:26). He knows when it is time for us so we wait for it but as we wait we watch others go and we rejoice with them. We pray for them. We serve faithfully where we are planted. We do this because wherever God has chosen to place your feet each moment is a moment of His divine will. Spread the aroma of Christ around you right where you are planted.
I am realizing that there are so many around us, even in the Bible belt, who need the love of Christ to envelop them. We must not waste any moment. We must embrace where we are placed and love well, share the gospel truth of that love of Christ who came down to us to rescue us from ourselves, who lived the life we could not live, who died the worst possible death taking all the wrath we deserve, then being resurrected to new life. That is the best news that the world could hear. In Him we get this new unstained life.
We are in the ministry of reconciling people to God and one another. That is what mission is. Sharing the good news with all peoples in all places. It is an urgent mission because our time draws short then eternity with God or apart from God. I want as many with God as possible. How can they know unless someone goes and shares with them? There are brothers and sisters in Christ out there who need you to go and tell them this truth. Brothers and sisters who need to know this great, pursuing, rescuing love. Will you share? Right where He has placed you? Will you love? Christ said we would be known by our love.
Then be prepared when someone asks your reason for hope. Share with boldness, gentleness, and respect but above all love. Then pray. Trust God with the fruit. He is the one who does whatever He does with that seed. He is patient and long-suffering. He is love. Look to Him as you wait. Look to Him as you do your everyday activities. Be a light. Remind others what He has done. And pray. Prayer is the fertilizer that moves things into place and prepares the ground of the heart and the places He has for us to go. Prayer is probably the most important part of the entire Christian walk. Don't neglect it. God delights in you going boldly before His throne of grace.
As I watch my friends sent out on this next step, I have the privilege and opportunity to pray them forward. I am so excited for them. I know they will be exactly where God has them for such a time as this. Will you say a prayer for them too?